
Tham quan

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  • Visit / Tham quan

Attend this essential networking event!

If you are involved in the pharmaceutical, retail, milk and dairy, seafood, meat, or processed food industries, Coref Vietnam is a must-visit event. Explore the latest solutions and technologies in cold storage and factory operations, including refrigeration, ripening chambers, reefer transport, tracking and IoT, packaging, cold storage infrastructure, and cold logistics.

Industries visiting the exhibition are from

Agriculture Industries

Nông nghiệp

Bakery Industry

Công nghiệp bánh

Floriculture Industry

Thị trường trồng hoa

Frozen and Processed Food

Thực phẩm chế biến và đóng hộp lạnh

Fruits & Vegetables Industry

Công nghiệp rau củ quả

Meat & Poultry

Thịt và gia cầm

Milk & Dairy Products

Sản phẩm sữa và Sản phẩm từ sữa

Pharmaceutical Companies

Công ty dược phẩm

Seafood Companies

Công ty thủy sản